Tuesday 18 August 2009

The First Time.......

Oooo my little babiess are growing up, sniff! sniff! E & D caught the bus to school this morning on their own!!!!! I didn't even walk down to the bus stop with them. E had to txt me that they were on the bus & then txt me when they were @ school. E is excited that she has a mobile phone to use. I suggested that she not show her friends as they might tease her about how un-cool the phone is cos it went out of fashion the moment I bought it last year!!!!! Funny how number 2 child does & gets everything much earlier than her older sister! Now D wants a mobile, sheesh!!! Give one a phone then they all want one!!!!!


donna said...

Yes..I know...that is why we are resisting getting any of our kids mobile phones. From what my friends tell me its the bill for the texting that's a killer!

elaine said...

i put $20 on the phone ellie is using that doesn't expire for a year, once it's gone it's gone. Kathryn pays for her own she puts $20
& if she uses it up she has to pay for it, the kids get $1 a day for making their lunches, they hve to save it to spend it. Kids will spend as much money as you give em. Expensive mobile bills happen cos the parents keep on paying for it.
Maybe I'm just a bit niave, but that's how it is for us @ the moment.

donna said...

I think prepaid is the way to go. That is what matt and I have. Gives you more control over how much $ you are spending and doesn't allow for those horrific bills to get accumulated. Good idea about the kids being responsible for their own usage :-)