Thursday 16 July 2009

School Holidays (yay)

Ok so the kids are out for the day with their uncle & I'm hme on my own...ahh!!!! Oh sorry that's right I meant....I just love the school holidays, no routine, no routine & no routine, but.....what's with the washing, it never ever ends....I know I posted bout this not so long ago but it seems as if I've been washing everyday since that last post......I would love to hve my sister in laws addiction to washing, I really wld...but I don't so winge, winge, winge..... Ok so here's my observation on the whole washing issue, if the kids room's look like a bomb went of then I hve no washing - TRUE FACT - Tidy rooms = endless washing of clothes (well @ least in this house anyway!) *elaine goes off in search of new nuclear device to set off in the kids bedrooms.* *right now to search on youtube, they got everything you cld want to know on there, right?*


donna said...

So matt tells tube is his "go to" manual for everything. As far as washing goes ..I agree about the tidy/messy rule. If their rooms are tidy you are always washing. At least the kids are on holidays now so no uniforms to wash. Got any plans for the holidays...going away anywhere???

elaine said...

Going to the farm on sunday,so that will be cold!! oops I mean nice, hehe!!
Hey perhaps I shld look on youtube for how to deal with the washing issue, gr8 idea