Monday 29 June 2009

So Much To Do......

And so little time to do it all in. Life is so busy, taxi-ing kids to sports training, then the w/e games, birthday parties to organise, birthday parties for the kids to attend, buying presents, dentists, physio's, podiatrist, doctors for a sore eye this week, not to mention the washing!!!!!! I really am starting to believe that I'm doing the washing for the whole neighbourhood! How else can u explain the pile of dirty clothes I find in the laundry (I know, how lucky am I that it's even in the laundry in the first place). I've never been good with numbers but if 1 son wears only two pairs of school socks, and 2 shirts and what must be 1 pair of trousers (I know, how lucky am I that he changes his undies) for a week then sleeps in & wears the same clothes on the weekend, where are all these clothes coming from? Somebody please explain why I have what to all intense & purposes is more than the sum of the total of only one childs clothing!!! BLAH! BLAH! BLAH!


donna said...

Maybe the clothing is having babies!!!!
My problem is one I have create myself. You know all about my clothes washing obsession. So obviously the kids have twigged to that and they can go through about 3 changes of clothing a day. PJ's, school uniform, play clothes when they get home from school and then a new set of PJ's that night.
I have to say though I am really looking forward to NOT having to be constantly washing school uniforms next year. They can just roll out of bed and wear whatever they want.

Dominique said...

I'm laughing as I'm reading this, as I've got piles of clothes scattered all over the living room floor - making the most of the few sunny days we have had to wash and dry! I bet I can rival you in the washing department - it's the folding (and ironing!) and putting away that I hate!!

elaine said...

I don't iron, that's my claim to fame :)